Domestic Security South Cumbria

Void Property Inspections
A Void Property Inspection is where one of our experienced security officers visits your property while it is not in use. This is often a requirement of insurance policies or similar schemes. Having a security officer visiting your property regularly ensures that the property is safe from criminals and the environment, and means you don’t have to worry about it when you’re not there.
Our patrolling officers will look out for signs of:
- Basic maintenance needs
- Damage – both deliberate and otherwise
- Health and safety issues
- Any signs of Intrusion
- Obvious loss of property (fixtures & fittings, etc)
- And any other special requirements
Property inspections can be carried out randomly both day or night on different days throughout the period of this service
We will give to you:
- A full internal and external inspection of your property
- Readings from all of a property’s utility meters
- A digital record of our officer attending
- Keys held in an on-site safe – that we can fit – or at our office at your request
- Photos from site of any damage – or anything else you would like us to photograph
- A full report, delivered within 24 hours
- Very competitive pricing
- SIA Licenced inspectors – a guarantee of competence and professionalism
For more information please:
Call 01229836372
Or Contact Us